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Christian Gifts and Entertainment

Shop for quality Bibles, booklets, entertainment, games, CDs and other Christian gifts and videos. Also find suggested Christening, Baptism, First Communion Gifts plus thoughtful Christian reading suggestions.

Shopping Index : Christian Gifts for all Ages

Children's Bible Activity Books

Illustrated Bible book and CDrom
The Illustrated Bible Story Book -- Old Testament: Includes a Read-and-Listen CD - $12.99

Bible scenes coloring book
Old Testament Scenes Stained Glass Coloring Book - $6.99

Customize Anything at Zazzle

Easter and Palm Sunday Crosses and Scenes Stickers
Easter and Palm Sunday Crosses and Scenes Stickers by christiangift

On Reading the Bible: Thoughts and Reflections of Over 500 Men and Women, from St. Augustine to Oprah Winfrey - $6.95

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