people recognize pets need ample water and shade during hot
months. However, every year companion animals lose their lives
to heat exposure when theyre left unattended in parked
On a warm day of 85 degrees, temperatures can soar
to 102 degrees inside a vehicle within 10 minutes, even if
parked in the shade or with partially opened windows.
Pets left in vehicles for only a few minutes can suffer
from heat exhaustion, heat stroke, brain damage, or even worse,
they can die, says Eric Weigand, DVM, president of the
California Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA).
Hot cars arent the only danger for pets in the summer.
Pets spending time outdoors in any activity should be carefully
monitored for overheating. Intense exercise during the hot
hours of the day can be especially dangerous.
The CVMA encourages pet owners to take precautions during
the summer months to decrease the chances of disaster for
companion pets:
- Never leave a pet unattended in a parked car, not even
for a minute or on mild days in spring and fall.
Leave pets at home with plenty of water in a non-tip dish.
- Limit pet exercise to cooler hours in the morning or evening
since normal body temperature for dogs and cats is higher
than for humans. Be especially sensitive to pets who have
heavy coats or are older, very young, overweight, or ill
as well as those with snub noses who cannot pant efficiently.
- Stay clear of areas that may have been sprayed with insecticides
or other chemicals. Ingesting just a small amount of plant
food, fertilizers, or insecticides can cause health problems
and might even be fatal for your pet.
- Carefully consider taking pets to crowded summer events
or fairs. Loud noises and large groups, coupled with heat,
can be stressful and dangerous for pets.
- Hot weather increases the risk of mosquito, flea, and
tick bites, which can be fatal in cats and dogs. Check with
your veterinarian for heartworm prevention medication and
recommendations for a flea and tick control program.
If your pet shows signs of heatstroke, you must lower its
body temperature right away. Move the animal into the shade
or an air-conditioned area.
Apply ice packs or cold towels
to the head, neck, and chest or immerse it in cool, not cold,
water. Encourage your pet to drink small amounts of cool water
or lick ice cubes, then call your veterinarian immediately.
Enjoying the warm weather requires pet owners to act
responsibly, Dr. Weigand says. By taking a few
precautions, summer with your companion pets can be both safe
and enjoyable.
The California Veterinary Medical Association is the largest state veterinary medical association in the
United States, with more than 5,600 members. Founded in 1888,
its mission is to serve its membership and community through
innovative leadership and to improve animal and human health
in an ethically and socially responsible manner.
Understanding Your Dog;
a Guide Every Pet Owner Should Read
are a lot like most people. They may goof now and then, but
they invariably try and do their best. They truly want to
please their care givers. A sensitive dog owner will realize
Pet owners who take the time to become knowledgeable about
their pets needs, and who build a solid foundation of
love and trust with their pet, rarely experience serious behavior
problems once training is complete.
Pet owners who fail in these areas, however, are likely to
instill fear, confusion, lack of confidence, and even depression
in their pet.
Reading this Savvy Dog
Lover article will go a long way in helping persons to
understand the unique needs of their canine companions. Click
here to read full article by Lori Anton
Dogs Ear Care - a Key to Good Canine Health
Most pet owners are aware of the necessity of a sufficient
supply of water to avoid dehydration, the importance of a
healthy, nutritious diet, and sanitary living conditions.
But many pet owners are not aware of the importance of routine
ear care for their pets.
Click here to read full
article by Lori Anton
Is Your Pet at Risk for Diabetes?
The best preventative measures against serious health problems
in the family pet remain simple and practical: regular veterinary
check ups, and a healthy diet. Exercise is also very important.
Among other benefits, exercise helps increase the body's
effective use of insulin.
But how do you spot the signs of diabetes in your beloved
dog,and what foods can you safely offer?
Learn more in this
article by Lori Anton, of Savvy Pet
Articles: Pets and Wildlife
G'bye Ripper - Homage to our
little cat named Ebony
Our Beloved Pet Companions - Dogs Really DO Have Smarts!
There are plenty of tales about dogs rescuing families from
burning homes without b
eing trained, or, like my grandmother's
dog, sitting patiently in the lap of aged companions when
they could be off playing.
Those of us who have dog companions know what we know, but
research has come up with a really fascinating bit of evidence
- read more here.
for Dogs Under Stress
Today, veterinarians are turning to osteopathy, homeopathy,
acupuncture, flower essences and most recently aromatherapy,
as holistic solutions to common ailments in animals.
For canine stress-reducing Aromatherapy Recipes for your
beloved family pooch - click
here for pet aromatherapy recipes.
Moving, [for Cats,] Can be Exciting!
And Funny!
laugh out loud when you read these rules for survival when
moving to a new home - written from a cat's viewpoint.
to read 10 Tips for Cats Forced to Relocate with Their
Owners |