Chocolate Kiss Roses Bouquet
Chocolate and roses are two of the most popular Valentine's Day gifts.
A candy bouquet of chocolate roses combines the two favorites into one very special Valentine. A chocolate rose bouquet may seem like an extravagant gift if you price them at flower shops and gift stores, but candy
bouquets make a wonderful and delightful treat for any Valentine and they are super easy (and inexpensive) to make at hone. |
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If you'd like to give your sweetheart a chocolate rose bouquet, here's how you can make one at home from classic Hershey's kiss candies.
DIY Chocolate Kiss Bouquet Supplies
~ Hershey Kiss candies, your choice of flavor, in silver or Valentine colors
~ Red, clear and pink cellophane gift wrap
~ Wooden bamboo skewers
~ Green floral tape
~ Crepe paper or green silk leaves
~ Satin or grosgrain ribbons
~ Gift wrap tissue paper to wrap your bouquet |
How to Make Long Stemmed Chocolate Roses
1. Cut a four-inch square of red cellophane. Holding a piece of cellophane
in your left hand, place the tip of one candy
kiss in the center of the square, then place another wrapped kiss
against the bottom of the first.
The flat sides of the kisses should be together. I used double-face tape to stick the bottoms of the wrapped candy kisses together before I wrapped them with the cellophane. |
2. Gather the cellophane at the bottom and wrap it around both pieces, holding the corners
together around the tip of the other kiss. (The tip end will be the top of your rose bud.)
3. Insert one end of a wooden skewer into the gathered cellophane
until it meets the tip of the bottom candy kiss.
Wrap the gathered ends together tightly, twisting around the and of the skewer. |
Tape the wrapped ends of the cellophane onto the skewer with green floral
tape, then continue wrapping the skewer with tape. Add in leaves to the stem as you wrap the tape around the skewer.
Make as many roses this way as you need or want, to create a bouquet. Tie together or singly with a fancy ribbon, and attach a gift card.
If you've made a bouquet, wrap it up florist-style with a sheet or two of tissue paper and tie a ribbon around the outside. |
Printable Valentine Greeting Cards |
Heart Diamond Card |
Flower Heart Card |
Roses Valentine Card |
More Valentine Printables: Love Coupons - Cards - Stickers |