Celtic Theme Celebrations for St. Patrick's Day
Celtic art, history and Irish themes are popular all year long, but in mid-March, they become the focal point for most restaurants and pubs in North America, Austrialia and Ireland. In Ireland, St. Patrick's day is a religious holiday, and only recently were pubs and bars in Ireland allowed to be open to serve alcoholic beverages on March 17.
In the US and Canada, you'll find pubs filled with celebrants quaffing pints of Irish ale, Irish meals and even green beer. Ladies will wear green flowers, corsages , pins and decorative badges.
Decorations of live shamrocks in bunches and small pots will be in homes and restaurants and shops will sell cards, decorations and more to help you celebrate.
March 17 is a BIG DEAL at pubs and restaurants across the USA; New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and Boston hold spectacular parades to celebrate St. Patrick's Day - not without some controversy and plenty of merriment.
Check out the Leprechaun WebCam or plan a Fairies / Faeries / Elves party.
March 17 Weddings are Popular
Some couples choose St. Patrick's Day as their wedding day, and carry the Irish theme throughout, from invitations to favors, blessings and traditions. Cook some traditional foods and treats with our Irish Recipes.
FLAG The Irish flag is divided into 3 equal panels, its colors representing the diversity and heritage of the people of Ireland, and their struggle for unity and peace.
Flag of Ireland - Symbolic Reference
green — Irish Catholics
white — Hope for peace
orange — Irish Protestants
Flag of Ireland Coloring Sheet
Flag of Ireland Printable Iron OnSt. Patrick's Day Clip Art & Crafts
Visit the links and articles we've put together to create your own St. Patrick's Day greeting cards, decorations, badges, gifts and favors.
St. Patrick's Day Coloring Pages
St. Patrick's Day Clip Art
Patrick's Day Cards
Create your own St. Patrick's Day greeting cards, decorations, badges, gifts and favors with Irish printables and clip art.
View all our Ireland Printables
If you need greeting cards, stickers and activities for the wee ones, be sure to click print your favorite St. Patrick's Day coloring sheets -they'll save you some green for the Wearing of the Green.
Make a tee shirt, tote back or flag with our Irish-themed iron on transfers.
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