Chanukah, Hanukkah - Festival of Lights
Chanukah (Hanukkah), the Festival of Lights, is a Jewish holiday that dates back to ancient times. Like Christmas, the holiday celebrates a miracle of faith and an important event in Judaic history. Celebrations are joyous family gatherings with gift-giving, services, songs and special foods, but Hanukkah is not a Jewish form of Christmas.
Through pictures and activities kids can learn about the traditions and symbols of the Hanukkah holiday including the meaning of the name (and its spelling variations), playing special games with the dreidel, and enjoying delicious foods such as latkes (potato pancakes cooked in oil).
Learn more about the ancient story, the menorah candles and find Chanukah clip art, printable gift tags and stickers at our Hanukkah Holiday Page.
Holiday Printables for Purim, Chanukah
Jewish holiday printables and coloring book pages have many creative uses. The individual sheets can be used as patterns for holiday crafts to decorate your home or classroom, and you can design holiday cards and gifts using the basic line drawings found on our original coloring pages.
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