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Pastiche Family Portal HomeHow to Make Scented Greeting Cards

It's fun and easy to make your own scented greeting cards. I love to photograph flowers in my garden and making a card from a flower photo lets me share my garden with friends and family.

By adding a bit of subtle flower scent to the cards I can extend the summer atmosphere all year long. Just a touch of fragrance added to a greeting card or envelope is delightful - so long as it's not overpowering.

Site Index    Features : Crafts : Printable Cards : DIY Scented Greeting Cards

Here's how to make flower greeting cards with delicate scents for pennies ... using your own photos or colored digital art and essential oils.

Take photos of flowers in your garden or at the park, along your street or even at the market. Where ever you find lovely flowers and you have your camera you can snap original photos. I often take photographs when I visit my local market or farmers market. The arrangements are beautiful ... and the photos are mine to use as I wish.

You can also find free flower photos for personal craft use online at a number of sources. Some sites allow you to use the photos for crafts you sell - check the terms of use for each site and photograph.

To make a printable photo card use a word processing program or graphics program to bring in your photo, size and place it where you like on the card front. You can overlay words or add a border if you use this method. I like to use card stock and ready-made greeting card blanks to make quick photo cards with my flower photographs.

Simply choose a photo that fits your card front and stick it to the card using acid-free glue dots for paper crafting. That way your recipient can remove the photo to add it to an album or frame if they wish.

To add fragrance to your flower greeting cards, buy floral essences or essential oils that match the flower or plant in the photo, for example, rose with roses, lavender with lavender flowers, and so on.

Or you can simply use a subtle floral cologne or perfume to scent your cards using this method:

Place 2-3 drops of essential floral oil or perfume on a cotton ball then place the ball and your card (and envelope if desired) into a small plastic bag. Don't let the oil or perfume touch the card or envelope directly.

Close the plastic bag and leave it a cool dark place for about 2 days, then remove the card and/or envelope.

Your papers will be lightly scented and you can now place another card in the same envelope to repeat the card fragrance transfer process. You can also try this trick with home made bookmarks made with dried flowers and blotting paper or heavy watercolor papers.

bouquet of flowers drawing or digital stampMore Scented Paper Crafts

If you want to try another craft using this process, you can make your own paper and scent it after drying. You can also use this process to scent water color paper or craft paper to use for making crafty bookmarks, gift tags or sachet hang tags.

Flower Photographs and Floral Digital Stamps

Find printable flower photos and black and white flower pictures to use for making your own scented greeting cards at these pages:



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