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Pastiche Family Portal HomeEasy Cut Out Cinnamon Dough Ornaments

Make your home smell like Christmas as you craft these cute non-edible cinnamon "dough" ornaments that resemble gingerbread cookies to give as gifts or decorate the tree. I made one set using tiny cookie cutters and then hung them on a garland in my kitchen window.

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Cinnamon Dough Ornaments

These crafty cut outs smell like gingerbread cookies and Christmas but they're strictly ornamental. Keep your faux dough and finished decorations away from pets or small children - although they look and smell like tempting gingergread cookies, they are NOT edible.

Fragrant cinnamon dough ornaments craft

The dough for these faux gingerbread ornaments uses only 3 ingredients: applesauce, cinnamon and white glue. The finished crafts look like gingerbread cookies, but they're strictly for decoration. The dough and dried ornaments cannot be eaten; they are NOT EDIBLE.

Be sure kids making this craft understand they shouldn't taste the dough or the finished "cookie ornaments" and keep both the dough and the finished cutouts away from pets.


  1. Stir together 1 C. cinnamon, 1/4 C. apple sauce and 1/2 C. white glue.
  2. Let "dough" stand 1 hour covered with plastic
  3. Knead and roll to 1/4" thickness.
  4. Cut out with cookie cutters.
  5. Punch hanger hole at top with straw or skewer.
  6. Dry overnight on paper towel covered wire rack,
    or dry 2 hours in 200 degree oven, turning once.

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