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Pastiche Family Portal HomeMake a Natural Herbal Scrubbie

Recycle leftover bits of soap into a frugal bath accessory, a hand crafted pampering bath spa gift craft skin scrubber.

Site Index   Features : Crafts : Home Made Spa Gift Herbal Scrubbie

relaxing cucumber facialThese herbal soap-filled scrubbies are great for removing flaky, itchy skin and smoothing knees, elbows and feet.

Home Made Herbal Scrubbers

1 cup steel-cut oats (not the quick-cooking kind)

1 cup dried peppermint, lavender or lemon balm leaves, finely crushed

1/2 cup grated bar soap (great use for those slivers of old soap!)

Small bag made from 4 layers of fine-mesh nylon net cut into 6-inch squares

Stitch together the net squares along 3 sides to create a small bag, leaving top edge open for filling. Separate the top opening in the center so you have a double-layer bag.

Mix the ingredients together, pour carefully into the bag, then stitch closed tightly through all 4 layers along the top edge.

Tie a water-resistant ribbon or nylon string around the top of the bag about 1/2 inch below the stitching and pull tight to create a ruffle. Use as a gentle scrubber in tub or shower to smooth and soften rough, dry skin.

More Crafty Spa Gifts to Make

You can also make home made bath salts or hand made soaps to go with your scrubbie for a wonderful spa gift set.

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Lee Hansen

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