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Pastiche Family Portal HomeTop 10 Baby Shower Gifts

You've already given Mom-to-be the best gift of all - this Baby Shower! But if you're looking for something she can unwrap, check out these top 10 baby shower gift ideas that won't break the bank - rated by guests and Moms-to-be.

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Sometimes Mom needs to put down her little bundle of joy and give her arms a rest! A floor activity gym has toys that dangle at various heights from soft arches for baby to play with while lying on their back or tummy.


Mom will appreciate this odor free, germ free, and hassle free diaper pail to dispose of all those dirty diapers.


Fill an infant to toddler bath tub with bath toys, sponges, and wash clothes for baby's bath time. Consider adding a foam kneeling pad as well, to save Mom's knees when bathing her little one.


A portable monitor allows Mom to move about the house and still listen in on baby's nursery.

She'll feel comfortable knowing that she will hear baby from wherever she's at.


Theme gift baskets and gift sets make a great gift because you can fill them with just about anything baby can use.

For example, a clothing gift set could include a half dozen onesies in each size, baby booties and caps. You might also consider a gift basket for mom, maybe a vitamin sampler and gift.


Gentle battery-powered vibrations simulate a ride in the car and keep baby gently bouncing and entertained for hours in a baby bouncer seat. Most include a detachable toy bar with clip-on activities for baby's hands.


Mom can never have too many nail clippers, and a baby's grooming kit makes a great baby shower gift. It has everything you need to groom your baby including a hairbrush, comb, nail scissors, nail clippers, and super-fine emery boards.


A convenient way for mom to carry baby and still have two free hands is to use a baby carrier or sling. Look for a baby carrier with total head and neck support, and one that has features that allow it to grow with baby. Some adjustable baby carrying slings can hold children up to around 4 years old.


A Mommy must-have! A baby first aid kit comes with everything you need from gas drops to nasal gel. It makes a great gift for new parents.


Mom will certainly be spending a lot of time at the toy store looking for toys for baby. Help her out with a gift certificate to Babies R Us, Toys 'R Us or a local toy store.

Looking for gifts under $25 ?

Try some of these suggestions: - mobiles - night-lights and other small nursery items - crib, bassinet and cradle sheets - cloth diapers (also great for burp rags) - receiving blankets - onesies - teething rings, rattles and other small toys - children's books like Dr. Seuss and Mother Goose.

If you want to go that extra mile and make Mom's gift extra special, tie the gift with a teething ring or rattle attached to its bow.

Helping Hand Gifts

Or you can try some "At Your Service" gifts like:

- Volunteer to babysit 3 times in the first year - parents will love this one

- Offer to shop for Mom - you get a list, you shop, then drop off what she needs

- Clean Mom's home 3 times in first 6 months

- Organize "Meals on Wheels" - after all, the last thing mom and dad want to do at the end of a long day with their new baby is cook. Organize volunteers to make a hot dinner for the family and drop it off every day (or every other day) for the first week or two.

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