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Pastiche Family Portal HomePresidents Day Worksheets - Abraham Lincoln

Presidents Day is a United States holiday observed in February each year that celebrates and honors the founding fathers of our nation. Celebrations focus mainly on the first President of the USA, George Washington and the 16th President, Abraham Lincoln.

Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 and Washington's birthday was February 22, 1732.

The United States honors both these founding fathers with a joint Federal holiday - Presidents Day - on the third Monday in February of each year. The day is sometimes understood to be celebration of the birthdays and lives of all past presidents of the United States.

Abraham Lincoln Lesson Paper

Abraham Lincoln fought to keep the United States from separating into two countries and worked to end slavery in all the states.

His Emancipation Proclamation, published in the midst of bloody Civil War between North and Sough states, abolished legal slavery in those states. The issue of racial equality was not fully adressed in all the states for another 100 years.

abraham lincoln worksheet printable


Find more resources in our US patriotic holidays and patriotic printables sections.

Printable President Lincoln lesson writing paper worksheet

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Celebrate this great African American leader's birthday in January and learn about contemporary issues and discover facts about Black history in February.

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