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Pastiche Family Portal HomeGrandparents Day Printables

Grandparents Day Greeting Cards

Our full color print and fold greeting cards for Grandma or Grandpa feature blue Forget-Me-Not blossoms (the official flower of Grandparents Day) and a cheery greeting outside.

Site Index Features : Grandparents : Printables : Grandparent Greeting Cards

Our cute Grandparents Day coloring card features happy "little people" grandparents in a garden of blue forget me not flower blossoms.

cute grandparents day printable card

Coloring Card (PDF)

Coloring Book

Each printable greeting card is designed to print on a single sheet of 8.5 x 11 paper or card stock.

Inside of each card is blank for you to write your personal message.

HOW TO PRINT: click on a small image or text link to open a full size 8.5" x 11" page with in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.

Print the page on your home printer or save the file on your computer's hard drive to print as many times as you need.

Forget Me Not grandparents day card

Half-fold card (PDF)

Happy Grandparents Day printable greeting card

Quarter-fold card (PDF)

Half-fold card (PDF)

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