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Pastiche Family Portal HomeChristmas Bookmarks & Gift Tags

Christmas bookmark printables can be used to make very special gift tags - a two-for-one tag and gift for family, friends or class mates!

Choose from an assorted Christmas bookmark printable sheet decorated with gingerbread men, wreaths, angels and Christmas trees, or print bookmark craft sheets with 4 of the same design: Christmas bells bookmarks or Candy Cane bookmarks with a Happy Holidays greeting.

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Features : Bookmarks : Christmas Printables : Christmas Bookmark Gift Tags

Zazzle Custom Designs Make It Your Own


Print your Christmas bookmark sheets on 8.5" x 11" card stock, heavy paper or photo paper, then cut out along edge of design area.

Punch a hole at the top and tie on a ribbon or string a tassel through the hole. Write names on the back to use as your bookmark as a gift tag!

Christmas bookmarks

Christmas Bookmarks, Assorted

Holiday bells bookmarks

Holiday Bells Bookmarks


Candy cane bookmarks

Candy Cane Bookmarks

To make paper bookmarks stronger you can laminate them between two sheets of clear contact paper, paste two bookmarks together back to back, or paste paper bookmarks to a piece of lightweight cardboard, oak tag or recycled cereal box then trim around the edges with scissors.

More Printable Bookmark Craft Sheets


Click on a small picture or text link below to open a full size 8.5" x 11" page with a Christmas bookmark craft sheet, ready to print in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.

Print bookmarks on any inkjet printer or save the file on your computer's hard drive and print it later, as many times as you need.

Christmas Crafts Fun Kit gift set
Christmas Crafts Fun Kit - $24.95

from: Dover Publications


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