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Pastiche Family Portal HomeAustralia Printables

Our educational Australia printables collection of clip art, coloring book pages, stickers, greeting cards, and iron on transfers. Flags, maps, holiday pictures, emblems and symbols of Australia and New Zealand.

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Features : Printables : Australia Printables

Australia Clip Art

Australia clip art pictures include the national flag, map, remembrance poppies, and national symbols.

Australia clip art

Flag of Australia

The national flag of Australia features a red, white and blue Union Jack representing the United Kingdom in the upper left corner and a large 7 point white star in the lower left quarter section.

The remaining right half of the flag features one small 5 point star and 4 larger, 7 point stars arranged in formation of the Southern Cross constellation.

Flag in Map of Australia Jacket
Flag in Map of Australia Jacket by Flags_and_Maps
Shop Australia gear online at

Australia Gear and Gifts

Keep Calm and Love 'Roos (kangaroo) - all colors Square Stickers
Keep Calm and Love 'Roos (kangaroo) Square Stickers by keepcalmbax


Remembrance Poppy Clip Artpoppy

The red poppy is the official flower for Remembrance Day.




Remembrance Poppy Iron on printable

Remembrance Poppy Iron On

Australia Iron Ons

The national flag of Australia, peace sign fingers, poppy - iron ons for Australia. The below images can also be used as clip art.

Australia Coloring Pages

Australia coloring pages - national flag of Australia, kangaroo.

Flag of Australia iron on transfer printable

Australia Flag Iron on

Australia flag coloring page

The national flag of Australia has a dark blue background with white stars plus a small Union Jack at the upper left corner in red, white and blue.

Australia Flag coloring sheet

australia map

Map of Australia, Outlines

kangaroo coloring sheet

Visit my graphics site,, to download and print a cute Kangaroo coloring sheet craft template.

Australia Stickers

Remembrance Day stickers with red poppy and word art. Make stickers or magnets with this free printable and supplies from Amazon.

Remembrance poppies, full sheet of stickers 

Click to print a full sheet of Remembrance Poppy Sticker or Magnets


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