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Pastiche Family Portal Home5 Things Every Dad Needs to Know

Dads play a very important role in their kids lives. Successful fathers raise great kids who grow up to be terrific adults - and wonderful parents themselves. Take time to be a part of your kids life - even the little things matter, and the rewards last a lifetime.

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Features : Kids : Dads : 5 Things Dads Should Know

Being a father isn't about you; it's about your child. You are a parent, and that makes you the person responsible for taking care to create a loving relationship and secure life for the child you created, the child who looks to you for love, guidance, and attention.

You don't need to be a perfect father; you just need to be part of your child's life.

1 - Spend time with your child every day.

If you travel or live apart from your children, call them on the phone or use Skype to talk via computer with your kids every day. Have a real conversation, and take interest in their day to day life events. What happens on the playground or in the classroom or the bus or at daycare may seem insignificant to you, but to them it's their world, and they need you to show interest in their life.

Share dinner, cookies, or a story or song in person, while you're on the phone or using the computer with Skype. And show affection ... kiss your child, hug your child, hold your child's hand or put your arm around him or her.

Demonstrate good touch to your child through your actions. Good touch shows affection and respect boundaries. Good touch is genuine, it's spontaneous and it doesn't demand reciprocation. Learn to be comfortable showing and receiving affection and expressing love for your child. Demonstrate through your fatherly actions that men can be loving and show gentleness and emotions - real men, real dads, have loving feelings and aren't afraid to share them.

2 - Celebrate Your Child's Interests and Passions.

Every kid is unique and every child is

different. Siblings may have some similarities but their personalities and preferences are all their own. As kids grow they start to get interested in the world around them. A child's world is rich in details that are important to them.

Tune in to what's in their lives, and participate in whatever ways you can. Play a game, read a book, try a craft, or cook - do things that your child enjoys or wants to try, whether they're "your'e thing" or not. Be a willing guest for your daughter's tea party. Help your son build a fort or tent in the back yard.

3 - Communicate - Listen, Don't Just Talk.

Pay close attention when your child speaks with you. Look at him or her and truly listen to what he or she is saying to you. Let your child know that what they have to say is important and that you are paying attention. By paying attention and focusing on your child's conversations you are much more likely to gain your child's trust so they can come to you when they have a problem and need support or guidance.

Don't lecture - communicate clearly and honestly. If you make a mistake, admit it and apologize. Just because you are the grown up doesn't mean you don't need to say you're sorry when you make a mistake. Taking responsibility and learning to make amends are critical skills that children need to learn, and if you demonstrate this by your own actions they'll follow your example and will learn from their mistakes while taking ownership for their own behavior.

4 - Share Family Stories and History.

You don't need to share every detail about your life when you were a kid but it's helpful to your child to understand that once upon a time you were the kid going through all the stuff they experience and then you grew up to become their dad. Your life experiences should be truthful, though.

Don't make up stories or change facts - be honest and open and make it comfortable for kids to come to you when they have questions about their own lives, bodies or friends. If kids don't feel safe or comfortable sharing their problems with you, they'll seek advice from others who may not give them appropriate guidance or truthful answers. The older your kids get, the more important this becomes - start early and keep the trust and communication going.

5 - Be a Good Role Model.

Remember that you are your children's role model. Your kids are looking to you to learn how a responsible and mature adult acts. Do chores around the house with your children, make them feel good about helping you and teach them that men also share household duties.

Encourage your children to think for themselves. Guide and help them with their decision making process and then stand back and watch them do it themselves. Do all of this while they are young and you can still make an impression on their minds. Don't wait until they get older.

Each day is a new opportunity to teach your child. Don't let time rob you of the moment and don't let someone else steal that privilege from you.

In a nutshell, dads, you just need to enjoy your children. Spend time with the, because before you realize it they'll be grown. Enjoy this precious time while your kids are young, because you can never get it back once it's gone. When they're older you'll have wonderful memories and no regrets.


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