Helping Kids Keep Up With School Work When They're at Home
Returning to school after a week's worth of the flu or any other illness is hard on everyone - kids, parents, teachers and caregivers. When kids must work remotely for all or part of the day or school week, they miss their classmates and teachers and the socialization of being in school. In 2020, remote learning was part or all of the elementary and middle school schedule in many areas.
The child who is recovering from an illness is probably still feeling tired from the bout of sickness, and he or she has lost
some learning momentum thanks to those consecutive days away from the routine of the classroom and structured lessons. That loss of continuity is even more profound during protective school closures that rely on remote learning and home lessons.
To compound the problems of missed lessons and the physical impact of being ill for several days, on the first day back in the classroom a student will probably be handed a stack of makeup work to complete in class or at home.
This may not be the case for children who've been working on classwork during remote sessions, but the transition back to regular school hours and days is still challenging for kids, parents, and teachers.
That's enough of a burden to make anyone
feel ill all over again, or to lose interest for awhile.
Mom, I miss my school friends and teacher...
Here's a simple 5-step plan for helping your child recover his or her classroom mojo after an extended absence from school due to illness or family emergency.
- Get a package of makeup work right away for your child to work on while out of school. Contact the school
each day to request an assignment list and have your child work on easier subjects for
about 20 minutes at a time several times a day.
- Before your child sees the work packet, look it over and familiarize yourself with the topic and assignments so you can explain them if your child has questions.
- Be a helper but don't do the work. Copy math problems onto lesson
paper. Read aloud from books or worksheets and let your child answer orally then write down his or her answers to copy over after you finish.
- Provide assistance that helps your student with the learning process without circumventing the lesson objectives. Contact the teacher and ask for guidance; see if there are
any assignments or worksheets that can be eliminated, abbreviated or have less priority and save those for the end of the child's confinement.
- If possible, keep your child home an extra day so he or shee can complete the
makeup work. The extra day of rest before a return to the full classroom routine will help
rebuild your child's resistance and confidence; that final day of missed classroom activity can be devoted to finishing up missed lessons and make up work; it won't be interrupted by daily school activities that, while necessary, would take time away from getting makeup work completed.