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Pastiche Family Portal HomeEaster Crafts for Kids

Preschool children will love crafting easy Easter decorations from recycled materials: cotton balls, egg cartons and craft paper.

Site Index Features : Holidays : Easter : Crafts : Preschool Arts and Crafts

Pastiche Family Portal HomeChicks in a Basket Preschool Craft

Make these easy cute, fuzzy Easter peep chick decorations with the kids.


egg cartons
pipe cleaners
cotton balls (yellow or white) or small fuzzy pom-poms
shredded paper or Easter basket grass
orange construction paper
black marker


  1. Cut egg cartons into individual sections for "baskets."
  2. Add a paper strip or pipe cleaner for the handle.
  3. Place a bit of shredded paper or Easter basket grass in bottom and glue securely.
  4. Dot eyes on a cotton ball using marker.
  5. Cut out a triangle of orange paper and glue onto cotton ball for beak.
  6. Place the chick in "basket" and arrange on tabletop.

Pastiche Family Portal HomeCotton Ball Lambs Craft


construction paper - black for body, color for eyes
cotton balls or pom poms
white chalk
black marker

lamb border


  1. Trace child's hand on the black paper using chalk.
  2. Cut out, placing the "hands" upside down so that the four finger outlines make the legs and the thumb forms the lamb's head.
  3. Glue white cotton balls to the body portion, leaving the leg and nose portion black.
  4. Make tiny eyes with marker on cotton ball in face area.
  5. Cut out tiny ears from black construction paper or felt and glue onto head.

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