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Pastiche Family Portal HomePatriotic Holidays - USA

Learn about the most patriotic national holidays celebrated in the United States: Presidents Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Patriot Day, Veterans Day and Thanksgiving.

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MLK coloring sheet pictureMartin Luther King Day - January

Americans celebrate the birthday of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on the 3rd Monday in January each year.

Presidents Day - February

star circle patriotic graphicPresidents Day commemorates the birthdays of two important founders and presidents of the United States, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

Before the establishment of this joint celebration date, the US celebrated each of the birthdays of these American Presidential heroes on the actual dates of their birth (February 22 and February 12 respectively).

Today the joint commemorative holiday to celebrate the birth of these US founding fathers falls on the third Monday in February.

Patriotic Printables

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bald eagle head
Patriotic Clip Art

star with stars and stripes

Patriotic Iron Ons

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Patriotic Coloring Sheets

pledge of allegiance poster english

Pledge of Allegiance Posters in English and Spanish

spanish us flag pledge of allegiance

Memorial Day - 3rd Monday in May, formerly May 30

Memorial Day is a US holiday of reverence and respect for those who served the nation in military service. The holiday was formerly known as Decoration Day, and observed on May 30th every year.

The original name came from the practice of decorating the graves of veterans who died during battles of the Civil War.

The observance later expanded to commemorate fallen soldiers from all past or current conflicts, and then later still to include all US service veterans.

Flag Day - June 14

Canada Flag - Maple LeafFlag day honors Old Glory, the official flag of the United States of America.

The red, white and blue stars and stripes banner is one of the USA's most sacred symbols and on June 14 Americans fly their flags and remember and rejoice in their unique democratic freedoms and rights.

Independence Day - July 4

July 4 is a day of joyful celebration in honor of the birthday for the United States of America.

United States Indepepence Day commemorates the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the official birth of the nation and its government as an independent republic.

Labor Day - September

Labor Day is celebrated throughout in the USA on the first Monday in September. This is also the same day celebrated in honour of labour in Canada and Bermuda. Labor day signifies the end of summer and is a welcome day of rest for most American workers.

9-11 september 11 clip artPatriot Day - September 11

Patriot Day is a day of remembrance for the thousands of people killed and injured during the 9-11-2001 terrorist attacks that took place on US aircraft and property.

Poppy flower - remembrance flower for war deadVeterans Day - November 11

Veterans Day is similar to Memorial Day - a solemn day of remembrance for soldiers who served in the US armed forces. One difference between the two holidays is that Veterans day honors all who were killed in service to their country. Formerly known as Armistice Day, Veterans Day is celebrated on November 11 because it is the day of truce for the end of World War II.

The same solemn holiday is observed in in Europe, Canada and Australia as Remembrance Day. No matter what the name, November 11 is a day when citizens in Australia, Europe and Remembrance Day Poppy, Veterans Day Poppy, buddy poppy graphicNorth America visit graveyards, attend parades and ceremonies and wear red poppies on their lapels (Buddy Poppies) in remembrance of the men and women who died in service to their country in WWII and other armed conflicts.

Buddy poppies, Flanders Fields, Remembrance/Memorial Day observances

Thanksgiving Day - 4th Thursday in November

Celebrated in the United States on the fourth Thursday in November, Thanksgiving Day honors the Pilgrim settlers who founded a small community in Massachusetts and whose survival has been credited to the kindness of the native Americans who lived nearby.

Canadians celebrate their unique Thanksgiving Day on the second Monday of each October.

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