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In a world darkened by ethnic conflicts that tear nations apart, Canada stands as a model of how people of different cultures can live and work together in peace, prosperity, and mutual respect.- Bill Clinton

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Canada Flag Day - February 15

Canada Flag Day in 2005 marked the 40th anniversary of the red and white Maple Leaf flag that represents Canada as a nation.

Canada Flag - Maple LeafThe quest for a new national flag actually began in 1925. The single maple leaf design was approved in the country's national colors, red and white by resolution of the House of Commons on December 15, 1964, followed by the Senate on December 17, 1964.

A proclamation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada on January 28, 1965, established Canada Flag Day as a national holiday to take effect on February 15, 1965.

Click here to learn about Canada's Provincial Flags.

Flag of Canada print free colouring page sheet
Canada Maple Leaf Flag

Canada Maple Leaf Symbol colouring sheet page
Canada Maple Leaf Colouring Sheet

Canada Iron
On Tee Shirt Transfer

Canada Coloring Pages

Canada Clip Art

Canada Printables

Patriotic Iron Ons

Learn More About Canada

Canada Site (English)

Canada Site (Francais)

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Preschool Activities
Online Reference Books

Did You Know?

A Quiz About Aboriginal Contributions and Inventions

Aboriginal Languages - Click and Listen to Phrases in Mohawk!

Origins of the name: Canada

Symbols of Canada

Peoples of Canada

Are you a Canucklehead?

Canada Clip Art
Canada Colouring Sheets

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Shop Canada Gifts and Gear at Zazzle.

Canada Baseball Cap
Canada Baseball Cap by Ladiebug
See other Vancouver Embroidered Hats at Zazzle.
Canadian Flag 2.0 Round Stickers
Canadian Flag 2.0 Round Stickers by StudioAG
See other Canada Stickers at Zazzle

Victoria Day - Queen's Birthday - May

Victoria Day (also known as the Queen's Birthday, Empire Day, and Commonwealth Day) was first celebrated in 1845 in Ontario on the occasion of the birthday of England's young Queen Victoria. The Queen's birthday has been a national holiday in Canada since 1901, and since 1952 has been celebrated annually on the Monday that falls before May 25.

National Aboriginal Day - June 21

Celebrate Canada - June 21-July 1

Celebrate Canada is an 11-day nation-wide celebration that includes National Aboriginal Day (June 21), Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day (June 24), Multiculturalism Day (June 27) and Canada Day (July 1). Each province and territory celebrates with special events.

Canada Day - 1 July

Canada Day July 1 Clip Art

Labour Day - September, 1st Monday

Labour Day is celebrated throughout Canada on the first Monday in September. This is the same day celebrated in honour of the labour workforce in the USA and in Bermuda.

Thanksgiving Day - October, 4th Thursday

The history and traditions of Canada's Thanksgiving holiday are very much the same as those celebrated in the United States. The USA celebrates Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday in November however the date for Canada's Thanksgiving is the second Monday in October to align with the harvest calendar of this more northerly nation.

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Remember Poppy Embroidered Hooded Sweatshirt
Remember Poppy Embroidered Hooded Sweatshirt by CanadianGear
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Remembrance Day -11 November

Remembrance Day for Canadians is similar to US holidays Memorial Day and Veterans Day - a Poppy flower - remembrance flower for war deadsolemn day of military remembrance for soldiers killed in service.

In Canada, as in Australia and Europe, Remembrance Day is celebrated on November 11 - the same date as the Armistice Day observance (now known as Veteran's Day in the United States).

At 11 minutes past the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month, take a moment to quietly remember the end of World War II and to pray for an end to war forever.

Memorials to Canada's War Dead

Remembrance Day Printables

Remembrance Day Poppy, Veterans Day Poppy, buddy poppy graphicNo matter what the name, November 11 is a day when citizens in Australia, Europe and North America show special respect toward all veterans of military service by wearing poppies on their lapels in remembrance of men and women who died in service to their country.

The main observance is on the Sunday nearest to 11 November is also celebrated as Poppy Day in the UK.


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