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Pastiche Family Portal HomeAfrican American History Month (February)

10 Ways to Celebrate Black History Month

by Susan Dunn, M.A., The EQ Coach

Here are some sites and resources for celebrating the important history and contributions of Blacks.

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Black History Month - February


Printable coloring sheet, Martin Luther King, Jr.

Dr. M.L. King, Jr.


President Obama coloring picture

MLK, Barack Obama Coloring Pages


Frederick Douglass poster printable with quote

Frederick Douglass Quote Poster

George Washington Carver printable coloring book

George Washington Carver coloring book


1. Check out some videos on Black history, such as "The Black West" or "Abubakari: The Explorer King of Mali". These are recipients of the Gold Apple from the National Educational Media Association, Telly Award. Includes comprehensive support materials, 16 reproducible cross-curriculum activities and activity guides.

2. Get some celebrate diversity life savers and other multicultural
celebration aids such as education posters, t-shirts and videos:

3. Multigenerational celebrating with songs, books.

4. Take the Black History quiz:,1399,1-4888,00.html?relinks

5. The African-American Mosaic, A Library of Congress Resource
Guide for the study of Black history & culture, including ex-slave

6. Read about inventions made by Black Americans: /blackhistory/list.htm

Did You Know?

  • Alfred Benjamin invented stainless steel pads
  • John A. Burr invented the lawn mower
  • George Carruthers invented the image converter
    radiation detector
  • L.F. Brown invented the horse bridle bit
  • Sarah Boone invented the ironing board


7. Visit the Harlem Renaissance Page:

8. African Americans in the Visual Arts: cwp/library/aavaahp.htm

9. Archives of African American Music and Culture selected list of
Internet resources for African American Music:

10. A wonderful link with profiles of prominent Blacks:

Read about Marian Anderson, contralto; Jackie Robinson, baseball pioneer; Wilma Rudolph, Olympia sprinter; Sidney Poitier, Oscar-award winning actor; Maya Angelou, poet; George Washington Carver, inventor, and other important Black figures in history.

Famous African Americans Discovery Kit
Great African Americans Discovery Kit - $19.99

About the Author © 2003 Susan Dunn, M.A., The EQ Coach, offering individual coaching on transitions, resilience, and strengths. Internet courses on emotional intelligence., send email:

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