Rearrange your rooms Create
more intimate furniture arrangements, or just try something
new! Move seating to create areas where people can easily
talk, or group them around the fireplace or other focal point.
Use candles and plants Candles are relatively inexpensive, and should not be saved just for special occasions. Group candles of varying heights together, combine them with plants, or place them in front of a mirror.
If you feel using lighted candles too often won't fit your budget,
set aside one meal a week where you use them,
such as Sunday dinner or date night.
Place throw blankets casually over chairs and sofas for your loved ones to cuddle up in. A great way to buy soft blankets inexpensively is to check your fabric store for clearance sales on polar fleece.
Buy 1 to 1 ½ yards for each throw, then use scissors to cut fringe on the two ends. This fabric doesn't fray, comes in a wide array of patterns and solids, and does not need to be hemmed or sewn! I bought enough for several and paid less than five dollars for each throw!
Oh, and did I mention it is extremely soft and warm?
Set out well-read books on end tables to encourage those in your home to use those throws, and who can not remember a fond winter's day cuddled up in a warm sofa with your favorite novel? (Oh, and you might want to stock your pantry with cocoa and tea, just in case.)
Layer interesting fabrics Add one or two topper fabrics to your tables, layer several towels over each other in your bath and kitchen, add a valance to your window treatments. Remember this doesn't have to be expensive; use leftover fabric from your other projects, visit your local thrift store, or use unused quilts, coverlets, sheets, tablecloths, and cloth napkins from your linen closet.
All of these ideas are quick, easy, and inexpensive, and can be used throughout your rooms. So,take a few hours and see how little changes can create cozy comfort in your home.
About the Author - Kathleen Wilson is the author of "Quick Decorating Ideas Under $20: The Budget Decorator's Bible" and editor of The Budget Decorator.
Visit for more great ideas, and for information on ordering her book.
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