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Pastiche Family Portal HomeGraduation Parties for All Ages

Plan a graduation part, end of school celebration or post-prom bash without going broke. We've got plenty of ideas for everything you need to plan a fun graduation celebration, from invites to decorations to party favors and entertainment - right here.

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Features : Celebrations & Parties : End of School Parties

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Custom floral graduation plaque
Custom floral graduation plaque by cheapinvites at Zazzle

Make a Western Party Wanted Poster Invitation Card
Make a Western Party Wanted Poster Invitation Card by stopshop

Cute Ball Pit Bounce House Birthday Party Personalized Announcements
Cute Ball Pit Bounce House Birthday Party Personalized Announcements by celebrateitinvites

At the end of the school year, kids of all ages really love celebrating at a picnic or party with friends and class mates.

For younger children, the party can be held in the classroom or at a neighborhood park.

Older children often enjoy a trip to a public pool, nature park or recreation area where you can picnic or barbecue.

For teens, an after prom party or graduation party may last all night, so it's usually best to plan a party at home where kids can be discretely supervised and kept safe.

You can provide plenty of food, fun and entertainment in a safe environment plus ensure no drowsy drivers head for home if they should not be on the road. Check out our tips for planning a safe and fun overnight party for teens and older kids.


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