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Pastiche Family Portal HomeLucky Shamrocks Rainbow Mobile

What could bring more luck on St. Patrick's Day than lucky shamrocks and a beautiful rainbow?

This printable St. Patrick's Day rainbow paper craft is easy to make.

Site Index  Features : St. Patrick's Day Printables : Paper Craft Rainbow Mobile Craft

Shamrocks and Rainbow Paper Craft

Print 2 copies of the craft sheet, cut out the pieces, then glue the shamrocks back to back with ribbon streamers in between, reserving 2 shamrocks for the hanging strip.

shamrock rainbow papercraft mobilesample of finished st patrick's day mobile

Glue the Happy St. Patrick's banners and remaining 2 shamrocks back to back on another piece of ribbon.

Lay one rainbow face down and glue on the hanging ribbon to the middle-top, and one of the shamrock ribbon to each side of the rainbow bottoms. Glue the final rainbow on back to back with the first rainbow. (see picture for example of the completed craft).

Full instructions and all pieces except string or ribbon are included on the full color printable sheet - click here to print Lucky Shamrocks Rainbow Mobile Craft Sheet.

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Shamrock Sticker Name Tags - Shop Zazzle


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