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Pastiche Family Portal HomeGrandparent Gifts Printable Bookmarks

Make a special bookmark gift for your grandmother or grandfather for Grandparents Day. These printable sheets feature a picture of the official flower of Grandparents Day, the Forget Me Not.

You can also use these printable paper craft sheets to make unique greeting cards or gift tags.

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Grandparents Day Bookmark graphic

INSTRUCTIONS: Print a sheet of free Grandparents Day bookmarks on 8.5" x 11" card stock, or heavy paper, then each one cut out and punch a hole at the top. Thread a ribbon or string tassel cord through the hole and tie securely.

If you have clear self-adhesive sheets available, laminate and trim your bookmarks before punching the tassel holes. To make an extra sturdy bookmark glue two bookmarks back to back.

Print the bookmark craft page on your home printer or save the file on your computer's hard drive to print as many times as you need.

TO PRINT: click on the small sheet image to open a full size 8.5" x 11" page with two or more book marks (all the same design on each sheet) in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.

Print Grandparents Day Forget-Me-Not Bookmarks

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