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Pastiche Family Portal HomeFree Printable Baby Transfers - Baby Iron Ons

Parents-to-be will love these printables that announce their proud status to the world.

Make a tee shirt for Lamaze class, the baby shower or a friends and family gathering to let Dad or Dad-to-Be announce a new baby with a clever tee shirt iron-on transfer.

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Home : Printables : Babies : Babies & Expecting Clip Art : Baby Iron Ons




High Tech Baby Iron Ons - Baby Inside

If you've got a high tech whiz expectant mom or daddy in the family, this selection of cool geeky baby iron ons will amuse, delight and inform the world of your impending little Version 2.0.

Baby Inside iron on transfer - free printable

Baby Inside (as shown above) or choose:

Baby Inside - Pink

Baby Inside - Blue

The Deluxe Baby Shower Games Collection

Baby Party Games Collection

Find the perfect printable baby shower game for any age or theme baby party. Economical, print as many as you like from any location with computer connection and printer.

Geek Baby Gender Reveal Bar Code Iron Ons

YES I AM PREGNANT - barcode iron on transfer graphic

Barcode Iron Ons for your gender reveal party say ITS A GIRL, ITS A BOY and YES I AM PREGNANT.

Iron ons measure approximately 6.5" wide and feature color-keyed borders.

2 Baby Geek Iron On Transfers per printable sheet. Choose your favorite Geek Baby Gender Bar Code Iron On:



Lee Hansen

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